We create innovative, cost-effective solutions for federal & state agencies. As the digital landscape becomes more complex, agencies need new tools to manage processes while extracting and analyzing the right data for their mission and mandates. Our blend of clinical and IT expertise allows Healthcare Management Solutions, LLC (HMS) to support key elements of the healthcare delivery life-cycle for federal and state agencies. Our extensive technology capabilities focus on three primary areas: solutions, services, and workflow improvement & process consulting.


Our Technology Capabilities

We create innovative, cost-effective solutions for federal & state agencies.

As the digital landscape becomes more complex, agencies need new tools to manage processes while extracting and analyzing the right data for their mission and mandates.

Our blend of clinical and IT expertise allows Healthcare Management Solutions, LLC (HMS) to support key elements of the healthcare delivery life-cycle for federal and state agencies. As a custom software development company, our extensive technology capabilities focus on: solutions, services, and workflow improvement & process consulting, as well as medical software development.


We create and tailor solutions to help you work better, address challenges, and discover cost and time savings.

Our IT knowledge and experience, coupled with our strong process methodologies, allow our team to recommend and implement commercial and/or custom solutions that enhance efficiency. While we are comfortable using either a waterfall or agile methodology, our development is always grounded in human-centered design and tailored to the realities facing agencies today — with an eye toward tomorrow.

    • CMMI-Dev 1.3 Level III Maturity Rating
    • Defined Lifecycle Methodologies including Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, etc.
    • Requirements Gathering, Analysis, and Development
    • Application Security
      • SSL Encryption
      • Two Factor Authentication
      • Role Based Security
      • Cryptographic Compliance 
      • Transaction and Log Assessments
    • Design, Implementation, and Maintenance
      • Technologies include, but are not limited to, the following: JavaScript, Java, Angular 2.0, MCV, C#, ASP.NET, VB, HTML 5, CSS
    • Human Centered Design (HCD)

We support a comprehensive stack of platforms, apps and tools, prioritized and tailored to your specific needs and environment. Whether working in SharePoint or Pega, our IT team coordinates closely with you, optimizing automation preferences, workflow, and system integration to maximize functionality while minimizing keystrokes.

    • SharePoint Development/Customization including Workflow Processes
    • Pega Platform Development/Customization
    • Survey Data Collection
    • Survey and Certification Management and Reporting
    • State Agency Dashboards integrated w/ ASPEN and iQIES
    • Medical Claims Review
    • Compliance Review
    • Document Management
    • Event Registration and Support
    • Bill Processing
    • Content Management Systems
    • Secure Mail & Document Transfer

Workflow Improvement & Process Consulting

We help streamline and optimize your workflow and processes, and advise you on leveraging emerging technologies to stay on the leading edge.

Whether you are a federal agency seeking greater efficiency and accountability, or a state agency looking for the right technology to handle your expanding workload, our consulting services will help you identify and evaluate solutions and strategies that fit your needs and resources.

    • Process Review, Planning, and Improvement
    • DevOps Implementation
    • Risk Management and Cyber Security
    • Quality Audits, Process Improvement, and System Reviews
    • State Technology Assessments

HMS helps you look ahead to see how new technologies can transform your operation. We’ll help you consider costs and benefits, suggest phase-in strategies, and develop transition plans.

    • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    • Internet of Things (IOT)
    • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)


We offer a comprehensive range of database, IV&V, digital media, technical support, infrastructure support, and systems integration services.

With the volume and types of data expanding exponentially, HMS designs, develops, and implements collection, analytics, modeling, and reporting technologies to help federal and state agencies better manage and leverage their data.

    • Design, Development, and Implementation
      • Technologies include, but are not limited to, the following: SQL Server, Oracle, Tableau, SAS, MS Access, MySQL
    • Data Management & Policy
    • Data Collection, Analytics, Modeling, and Reporting
    • Data Migration (ETL)
    • Data Visualization
    • Database Optimization

Agencies today face resource and schedule constraints, constantly evolving products, and a variable decision-making landscape. HMS delivers objective, seasoned, and trusted IV&V services that identify high-risk issues, reduce errors in projects and products, and improve management visibility.

    • Automated Testing Activities
      • Technologies include, but are not limited to, the following:  Selenium, TFS, BrowserStack, HP UFT, WebDriver
    • Release, Deployment, Integration, and Usability Risk Assessments
    • Technical and Managerial Independent Evaluations
    • Evaluation and Assessment of Requirements and System Artifacts
    • Process Assessments and Incident Reports

From internal training and engagement, to public communication and contactless publishing, the need for digital tools and products has never been greater. Digital media agencies abound, but none have the niche experience and unique perspective of HMS.

    • Video Editing, Production, and Publication
    • Graphic Development
    • Social Media and Permission Marketing
    • Interactive Training and Tutorials

We work closely with you to provide a range of technical support services, including 508 compliance review, webinar hosting for live and recorded webinar events, and transcription. Our 508-compliance team is highly experienced, and we offer convenient and skilled support on both Adobe Connect and WebEx platforms for the delivery of dynamic webinars, meetings, and seminars. Our transcription turnaround times exceed the industry standard.

    • Webinar Hosting and Support
    • 508 Compliance of Video and Documentation
    • Transcription
    • Help Desk

Systems complexity and constantly expanding workloads demand the right integration method for your agency’s particular needs and challenges. The HMS IT team will assess your discrete and/or disparate systems to determine the right integration strategy for you, using BPM and ICD to achieve the best results.

    • Assessment of Discrete and/or Disparate Systems
    • Business Process Modeling (BPM)
    • Systems Interface Control Diagrams (ICD)
    • API Development


Helping you achieve your mission is our top priority. Let’s talk about next steps.


Leverage our talented teams to collaborate in protecting vulnerable populations.

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