Healthcare Management Solutions (HMS) Awarded Two Major Contracts in New Mexico and Washington State
- February 22, 2022
Exciting news: Healthcare Management Solutions, LLC (HMS) was recently awarded two state contracts to conduct surveys — one with the New Mexico Department of Health and another with the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHG). Through the contracts, HMS will assist New Mexico by conducting recertification and COVID-19 infection-control surveys for ESRD, hospice and home health facilities, and will support Washington state with conducting nursing home recertification surveys and providing surveyor training. We are honored to be awarded this work and to have these opportunities to help protect vulnerable populations.
HMS Shares New Mexico’s Commitment to Protect Vulnerable Populations Across the State
Our contract with the New Mexico Department of Health entails conducting recertification and COVID-19 infection-control surveys for ESRD, hospice, ambulatory surgery centers and home health facilities.
“These surveys are critically important to protecting the lives of facility patients and staff at any time, but especially during the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Leah Heimbach, president & owner of HMS. “HMS was founded to protect vulnerable populations, so this work for the New Mexico Department of Health fits our mission perfectly. We are excited and honored for this opportunity to provide NMDOH and the people of New Mexico with the facility survey excellence for which HMS is known.”
HMS’ highly qualified surveyors will act as front-line safety inspectors for ESRD, hospice and home health facilities. The role of the surveyor is more important than ever during this uncertain time.
HMS Supports Washington State by Conducting Nursing Home Recertification Surveys and Providing Surveyor Training
Our contract with the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHG) focuses on conducting nursing home recertification surveys and surveyor training.
“We are honored and excited to have this opportunity to work with the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services in support of its vital mission of helping nursing home residents throughout the state live safe, healthy and productive lives,” says Leah Heimbach. “We also look forward to sharing our knowledge and training surveyors in the latest best practices.”
Recertification surveys are required by CMS for certified nursing homes. HMS will be partnering with the Washington State DSHS in inspecting nursing homes’ critical element pathways, conducting a comprehensive review of everything from infection control and nursing services, medication, diet and exercise, patients’ rights, the physical environment and much more.
HMS surveyors will conduct on-site inspections of long-term care facilities. HMS will also support and partner with state survey teams in conducting recertification surveys which include complaint investigations, as well as anything the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) might deem necessary due to COVID-19. In addition, HMS will assist with training new nursing home surveyors during actual surveys.