Healthcare Management Solutions (HMS) Awarded South Carolina State Contracts to Conduct Healthcare Facility Surveys & Establish New Inspection Systems

Healthcare Management Solutions (HMS) Awarded South Carolina State Contracts to Conduct Healthcare Facility Surveys & Establish New Inspection Systems

  • May 26, 2021

Healthcare Management Solutions (HMS) was recently awarded two South Carolina state contracts with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). Through the contracts, we will assist South Carolina with vital surveys in long-term care and non-long-term care facilities and also help the state establish new inspection systems and processes. We value the opportunity to be awarded this important work by South Carolina and to further the state’s mission of protecting its citizens.

HMS Shares South Carolina’s Commitment to Protecting Vulnerable Populations through High-Quality Surveys

Our contact with the DHEC entails conducting Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) surveys in long-term care and non-long-term care facilities identified by DHEC. 

HMS will conduct full federal recertification/revisit/complaint surveys for all facility types identified by DHEC, which may include:

  • Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)
  • End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
  • Hospice
  • Home Health Agencies (HHA)
  • Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID)
  • All hospital types
  • Outpatient Physical Therapy/Outpatient Speech Pathology
  • Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities
  • Rural Health Clinics (RHC)
  • Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASC)

“All South Carolinians deserve quality care for themselves and their loved ones,” says Leah Heimbach, president & owner of HMS. “Our work helps facilities maintain a high degree of accountability, and assures residents, patients, and families that their needs are truly seen and heard.”

HMS Will Help DHEC Establish New Inspection System and Processes, Merging Its Licensing and Certification Bureaus

Our other contract with the South Carolina DHEC entails redesigning its inspection systems and processes in order to provide South Carolinian residents and vulnerable populations better protection.

HMS will provide DHEC with a complete and functioning inspections system, and prepare DHEC to maintain it effectively. Our focus will be to improve the overall efficiency of DHEC’s business processes by implementing standards for training, surveys, complaints, and management, along with a detailed process that provides specific guidelines to implement the approved plan for merging DHEC’s licensing and certification bureaus.

We will develop an approach for merging licensing and certification staff for scheduling and investigations/inspections/surveys, provide an analysis of the organizational structure, infrastructure, financial components, invoicing, annual/renewal processes and re-certification processes, deliver in-person training, and support the transitioning of the upper level management staff.

HMS’ services will include preparation of surveyor training, manager training, process guidance and control, and end-user documentation, which will help DHEC improve its certifications, recertifications, investigations and fact-finding surveys, complaints, budget/finances, record management, and direct data entry, among other core business functions.

We will educate DHEC staff on Surveyor Minimum Qualifications Test (SMQT) training, in-field training, cross-training on state and federal regulations, including Informal Dispute Review (IDR)/Independent Informal Dispute Review (IIDR), enforcement, and develop a process for hiring and on-boarding large volumes of staff. We will also precept and evaluate staff on all knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) required for SMQT preparation.

“DHEC strives to ensure that South Carolinians have quality care for themselves and their loved ones,” said Heimbach. “We appreciate the opportunity to provide our expertise in all the functions necessary to building an outstanding inspections system.”

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