Celebrating HMS’ 20 Years in Business with $20,000 in Total Donations to 20 Deserving Charities

Celebrating HMS’ 20 Years in Business with $20,000 in Total Donations to 20 Deserving Charities

  • August 8, 2022

As Healthcare Management Solutions, LLC (HMS) turns 20 this year, we have chosen to donate  a total of $20,000 — $1,000 each —  to 20 amazing charitable organizations that likewise help vulnerable populations who are in need. Thanks to these organizations, seniors, veterans, at-risk women and families, plus youth and adults facing homelessness and mental-health challenges — and even some of our defenseless four-legged friends — have access to vital support and assistance.

We are proud to share some of the fruits of our own 20 years of success with the following nonprofits by donating a total of $20,000 in celebration of our two decades of service.

Milan Puskar Health Right / Friendship House

Morgantown, West Virginia | Website 

Founded on the belief that recovery is both possible and probable with the right services and support, this free and charitable clinic offers person-centered, recovery-focused and peer-supported community-based engagement and support for people with mental health concerns and substance misuse challenges.

Health Access, Inc.

Clarksburg, West Virginia | Website

Health Access works to eliminate disparities for those who lack access to basic healthcare. Through Health Access, vulnerable residents in Harrison and Doddridge counties, West Virginia, receive primary and specialty care, prescription medications, cancer screenings, vision, dental, and more, all at no cost.

The Disability Action Center

Fairmont, West Virginia | Website

The Disability Action Center serves as a comprehensive education, training and enrichment center for more than 450 children and adults with disabilities and their families in North Central West Virginia.

Marion County Humane Society

Fairmont, West Virginia | Website

This nonprofit, no-kill animal welfare organization provides quality care for more than 5,000 animals annually.

Hope, Inc Domestic Violence Center

Fairmont, West Virginia | Website

HOPE, Inc., provides resources and services to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking and human tracking victims in Marion, Harrison, Doddridge, Gilmer, and Lewis Counties, ensuring their safety, encouraging self-sufficiency, and promoting lives free of violence.

CASA of Marion County

Fairmont, West Virginia | Website

CASA advocates, educates and promotes the welfare of children in Marion County who have been abused and neglected, by harnessing the talents of community volunteers who ensure the children are provided with safe and permanent homes.

Pet Helpers, Inc

Fairmont, West Virginia | Website

Pet Helpers is a nonprofit, all-volunteer foster network for homeless animals waiting for their forever homes. With no facility or paid staff, all funds go to veterinary care, food, and medications for the animals.

Soup Opera

Fairmont, West Virginia | Website

Serving a daily meal seven days a week, 365 days a year, to 100+ people in need per day in Marion County and surrounding areas, Sobrania, Inc./Soup Opera also provides hygiene products and showers, clothing, blankets, dishes and more as available.

Stepping Stone, Inc.

Fairmont, West Virginia | Website

This community-based treatment facility serves adolescent males (age 14–17) and transitioning adult males (ages 18–21) who are in the custody of the WV DHHR, are victims of abuse/neglect and/or stepped down from higher level treatment/out of state placement, and have disruptive behaviors and emotional distress. The program teaches residents to respect themselves, their community, their parents, police, public officials, adults and their peers.

United Way – Tygart Valley

Fairmont, West Virginia | Website

Tygart Valley United Way improves lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities to better the common good, focusing on education, health and financial stability — the building blocks for a good quality life.

The Op Shop

Fairmont, West Virginia | Website

This not-for-profit community rehabilitation program creates opportunities for adults with disabilities in sheltered or competitive employment. Services include independent living skills, life skills training, job placement, job coaching, work adjustment, and supported employment.

Pressley Ridge

Morgantown, West Virginia | Website

Pressley Ridge provides families and individuals with support and hope, through assistance with foster care and adoption, community-based and in-home services, outpatient services, specialized education, autism services, residential services and transition-age services.

March of Dimes

Arlington, Virginia | Website

March of Dimes has been fighting for the health of moms and babies for 80 years, supporting research, leading programs, and providing education and advocacy so that every family can have the best possible start.

WV Rescues Ministries / Union Mission

Fairmont, West Virginia | Website

Providing physical and spiritual services to those in need in West Virginia through a men’s shelter, women’s and children’s shelter, family shelter, soup kitchen, thrift store and living room, no one is turned away and all have access to hot meals and shelter.

Connecting Link

Fairmont, West Virginia | Website

Connecting Link addresses individuals’ immediate needs in crisis and assists with locating resources for residents of North Central West Virginia, including help with utility termination, prescriptions, transportation, eviction and first month’s rent.

Genesis Youth Crisis Center

Clarksburg, West Virginia | Website

GYCC provides a safe, temporary place for children to stay until permanent placement arrangements can be made.

Bi-County Nutrition Program

Nutter Fort, Salem, and Shinnston, West Virginia | Website

Bi-County provides congregate and home-delivered meals, nutrition education, and referrals for those 60 years and older, their spouses, and their disabled dependent children.

WV Coalition to End Homelessness

Bridgeport, West Virginia | Website

The WV Coalition to End Homelessness assists agencies and communities in West Virginia where homelessness is either a prevalent or a hidden issue, to ensure that no child, veteran, or family enters homelessness in the first place. Housing people is the only way we’ll end homelessness.

The Clarksburg Mission Community

Clarksburg, West Virginia | Website

The Clarksburg Mission provides comfort, reassurance and resources to those in need, including emergency shelter, transitional housing, food, assistance, and more.

Clarksburg Mustard Seed

Clarksburg, West Virginia | Website

Clarksburg Mustard Seed is a food pantry serving people in the community free of charge with food, clothing, cleaning and hygiene items, as well as household items. The pantry also accepts donations for those in need.

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