Harnessing Data to Improve Efficiency and Patient Outcomes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl4SoNM5RPI Data can often seem misleading, confusing, sometimes even incomprehensible. But data is also powerful and a vital component of government agencies’ important work. At , we use data to truly understand what we’re seeing. As an HMS Epidemiologist/Principal Researcher Chr...

Veterans Day: Honoring All Who Served

This Veterans Day, HMS honors all who have served and currently serve in the United States Armed Forces. We must all acknowledge and express our gratitude for the sacrifices these individuals have made for the betterment of our nation. This year, we are spotlighting three of our many incredible team members wh...

HMS Exists to Protect and Advance Healthcare Quality

Healthcare quality is just an abstract concept to anyone who hasn’t had a loved one — or spent time themselves receiving care — in a nursing home or other healthcare facility. Then, quality becomes personal. From the temperature of a room to the time it takes to summon a nurse’s help when it’s urgently needed, hea...

Why Should You Choose to Be a Surveyor at HMS?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7jZDHwmtH8 Vulnerable people in long-term-care and other facilities around the U.S. need someone to look out for them. If you value the opportunity to do important work ensuring that nursing home residents and patients are being properly cared for, consider being a surve...

Fall Prevention Requires Your Full Attention

Falling poses a huge risk for seniors and other vulnerable populations. Yet, of the one in four people aged 65+ who fall each year, less than half report it to their doctor. In honor of National Falls Prevention Week, Healthcare Management Solutions, LLC (HMS) wants to remove the stigma many seniors feel about falling, and...

AHFSA 2021 Annual Conference: How HMS Helps State Survey Agencies

As the Association of Health Facility Survey Agencies (AHFSA) returns to in-person events, Healthcare Management Solutions, LLC (HMS) will be the Platinum Sponsor at the AHFSA 2021 Annual Conference in Chicago, September 27–29, which provides a valuable opportunity to show how our expertise is helping state agencies cope...

Healthcare Management Solutions, LLC, (HMS) Donates $1,900 to Connecting Link, Inc., in Honor of the Company’s 19th Anniversary

, a leading healthcare and IT consulting company, donated $1,900 to the nonprofit , to help support individuals in crisis and assist residents of North Central West Virginia in becoming more self-sufficient. The contribution from HMS is a combined cash and in-kind donation: a $1,000 check plus $900 worth of car seats, diape...
