Kenny will be recognized during the FedHealthIT100 Awards Celebration (Fairmont, West Virginia – November 30, 2021) Chief Growth Officer Ann Kenny has been named a 2022 FedHealthIT100 Award Recipient by a panel of current and former federal and...
Kenny will be recognized during the FedHealthIT100 Awards Celebration (Fairmont, West Virginia – November 30, 2021) Chief Growth Officer Ann Kenny has been named a 2022 FedHealthIT100 Award Recipient by a panel of current and former federal and...
, a leading healthcare and IT consulting company, donated $1,900 to the nonprofit , to help support individuals in crisis and assist residents of North Central West Virginia in becoming more self-sufficient. The contribution from HMS is a combined cash and in-kind donation: a $1,000 check plus $900 worth of car seats, diape...
HMS Will Help DHEC Merge Its Licensing and Certification Bureaus (Fairmont, West Virginia – April 20, 2021) The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) has awarded a contract for DHEC Healthcare Quality Merger Services....
HMS Shares South Carolina’s Commitment to Protecting Vulnerable Populations through High-Quality Inspections (Fairmont, West Virginia – April 5, 2021) The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) has awarded a contract/purchase or...
HMS Shares Alabama’s Commitment to Protecting Vulnerable Populations through High-Quality Inspections (Fairmont, West Virginia – March 23, 2021) The Alabama Department of Public Health, Bureau of Health Provider Standards (HPS), has awarded a contract to con...
HMS Shares Nevada’s Commitment to Protecting Vulnerable Populations through High-Quality Inspections (Fairmont, West Virginia – March 10, 2021) The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division...
Koepke Brings More Than 30 Years of Business Development and Health Policy Experience to HMS’ Leadership Team (Fairmont, West Virginia – February 9, 2021) (HMS) welcomes Mark Koepke as its new business de...
HMS’ Audit Is Vital for Maintaining Users’ Confidence in the Society’s Data, Which Supports Quality Improvement and Many Other Uses (Fairmont, West Virginia – February 2, 2021) has been selected by th...
HMS Supports the State’s Ongoing Commitment to Protect Vulnerable Populations (Fairmont, West Virginia – September 29, 2020) The has awarded , LLC (HMS) a multi-year contract to conduct federal initial certification and recertification surveys, follow-up rev...
HMS Supports Virginia’s Ongoing Commitment to Protect Vulnerable Populations The has awarded (HMS) a multi-year contract to conduct on-site surveys of long-term and acute care facilities. HMS’ highly trained surveyors will be conducting recertification surv...